So you believe in god, but which kind? How many? How big is he? Does he listen to you? The answers are as varied as there are ideas. Here is a breakdown for you of the major schools of thought on the big guy/s:
Monotheism: Mono (one) + theos (god) = one god. These are the guys who believes in one god and one god only, Christianity, Islam etc.
Henotheism: Henos (one) + theos (god) = one god. A case of my god is better than yours. Maybe Christians, Muslims or others who accepts that there are other gods, but only their god deserves worship.

Deism: A.K.A. The Watchmaker God. This is a god from this universe, a personable god who created us and all that is around us, but then cut the cord and now only observes and contemplates. So according to this we are specs of dust in a mad scientist’s cosmic petri dish.

Pantheism: Pan (all/everything) + theos (god) = god in everything. Omnipotence is the word. Two views; that the universe is god and should be worshipped as a whole or that everything around us is a manifestation of god and that if we add up everything in the universe the total would be equal to god.
Panentheism: Similar to Pantheism, but Panentheism states that though god is penetrates everything in nature and the universe, he is still an independent identity and is larger than the sum total of our universe. So he is bigger and more independent than the Pantheistic god.

Hope it helps, though you might have more questions than answers at this point.
Blessed Be,
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