BRRR! It's cold and we like it that way!
Come freeze your tits off and have a blast of a time at our Yule celebration! Yule (also known as WINTER SOLSTICE) is a time we renew and rebirth our bodies and spirit selves.
WHEN? --> SUN 20th June @ 7PM
WHERE? -> Parking next to Dolphin Beach Hotel, Blouberg Beach (alternative venue nearby in case of rain)
WHO? --> Contact Huge at 082 534 8100 to confirm.
We will be feasting with hot toddies, cider, Fruit, Pork, Turkey, Nuts, Eggnog, Teas, Cookies. The focus will be to set goals for the new year, pray for the return of spring, a yule log, story telling & a secret Santa porn DVD exchange!
Warm clothes, blankets, torches, candles in lamp cover, cookies, hot drinks, pork/ turkey snacks, working PORN DVD to exchange!
WEAR RED, GREEN, or WHITE!We are in the new pagan wheel of the year and Yule the first sabbath is around the corner!! It is celebrated on or about the 21st-22nd June (down South).
Yule is otherwise known as the Winter Solstice, having shortest day/longest night of the year, and even though we yet to have our coldest months of July and August, the Sun steadily grows stronger with each passing day. Life is once again stirring in the ground, and we look forward to the day when the frosts are gone - though in weird and wonderful Cape Town this is a time or rain and flowering?
This is the time that the Goddess becomes mother again as she gives birth to her Beltane Baby, thus associated as a fertility ritual with the continuation of life. The night belongs to the Goddess, and is a night of waiting, through Her pregnancy, for the Child of Promise.
SO WHAT IS YULE ABOUT? It is a time to let go of all fears, all doubts, all outworn ideas, all projects finished, anything in our lives that holds us away from the new beginnings that will lead to new growth. It is a time to let go of the past and walk toward the light.
On this the longest night, we renew and rebirth our bodies and spirit self.
From the Darknes comes Light.

Colours : Red Green White and especially Silver and Gold
Herbes: Cinnamon, Cloves, Juniper, Frankincense, Cedar, Pine, Mistletoe.
Foods : Cider, Fruit, Pork, Turkey, Nuts, Eggnog, Teas, Cookies
Deities: Frey, Woden, Herne, Oak King, Holly King, Sul, Isis, Osiris,
Symbols: Evergreens, Mistletoe, Ivy, Yule Log, Gifts, Bells, Candles.
Blessed Be,
Green Phoenix
hmmm, look like this got ripped of from me. .